Import & Export
set directory
Let’s start at the beginning:
- In most cases when we are starting out a project we start by going to the directory, or
- start by creating a new directory for that specific project
- here we are going to create a new directory to import the data we need
get directory
If the files have already been imported and we need to work in a specific directory we just get the directory to make sure we are in the correct working one. If we are not, we just setwd() to the correct one.
- Download.file will download any file regardless if it’s csv, xls, or….
- we’ve already created the directory we’ll use
- let’s say we have to download a .zip file from a site
- set a time marker dateDownloaded so you can always tell which version of the data you are working on in the event the data gets updated
<- "
fileUrl /"
download.file(fileUrl, destfile = "", method="curl")
<- date()
dateDownloaded # you can always print out date() without saving it dateDownloaded
- In the event that you want to unzip an entire folder
- without seeing the list of files
- or if you already have seen it as described in the section below
unzip("", exdir= "D:/~/Data/har/unzipped")
- You can read these files directly but I tend to break the code down into two parts
<- file("D:/Education/R/Data/EPA/summarySCC_PM25.rds")
con1 <- file("D:/Education/R/Data/EPA/Source_Classification_Code.rds")
con2 <- readRDS(con1)
NEI <- readRDS(con2) SCC
zipped .bz2
- Zipped .bz2 file can be read directly with read.csv
<- read.csv("D:/Education/R/Data/JH_C5_week2/
storm_data repdata_data_StormData.csv.bz2", header = TRUE)
- Continuing with the example above “”, at times the zipped folder contains many files
- you can list the files within the zipped folder prior to unzipping it
- reason being: if you only need 1 or 2 files and not an entire large dataset you can read those files specifically
List files
- You can list all the files in the zipped folder using the same command to read them but set list=TRUE
<- unzip("", list=TRUE) all_files
- If you want to read a long list of files from a directory
- assign the list to all_files
<- list.files("har") all_files
File List
- If you have a list of wanted files that you chose from above, or possibly all_files in a directory
- you can use lapply to scan through the list and read them
- lapply will give the output in a list, so it will output all the files in a list of dfs one for each file in the list
<- lapply(all_files, read.csv) dataIn
- refer to Basics - In & Out
- as handy as read.table is it has some drawbacks
- one major one is that it reads the data into RAM, so large sets might cause issues
- can always sub with read.csv or in the readr package: read_csv
<- read.table("D:/~/har/activity_labels.txt") labelfile
<- read.csv("D:/yourdataiq/dataiq/datasets/pm0.csv") pm0
- used for .txt files instead of read.table
<- readLines("D:/yourdataiq/dataiq/datasets/cnames.txt") cnames
- What if you want the user to input the directory, file name, and extension
- create a function that does just that
- sometimes it’s just easier to write the code directly, but coding is to make our life easier so here is such a function
- quarto doesn’t work with a function to read the files as it cannot establish a connection but in R script it works (seehow_to_merge )
<- function(directory, name, extension){
loadfile_to_table <- setwd("D:/~/Data/har")
fileDir = file.path(fileDir,directory,paste(name, extension ,sep = "")
wantedfile fsep="/")
- then you just call it using
<- loadfile_to_table("test","subject_test",".txt") subject_test
File Output
.txt & .csv
- I’ll save both files in .txt and .csv formats
- Verify the files were saved in the correct directory
- Confirm operation with a timestamp
#______Save in txt format as well using both write.table & write_csv
<- date() dateUploaded
png Output
save png
- We can save a plot as a png with exact dimensions given
- Here we first process the data
- Set the png() function and parameters
- Plot the graph, which will automatically save it into a png
- It will not display the .png file until we turn
<- NEI |>
emm_year group_by(year) |>
png(filename = "D:/yourdataiq/dataiq/images/plot1.png",
width=480, height = 480, units = "px")
plot(year,Emm_per_year, type="l", col="green",
lwd=2, ylab="totalPM2.5 emmission"))